Monday, June 17, 2013

"My favorite seat" by Betty E. Stein

My Cousin Ann lives on the East Coast and has the habit of suggesting films I should see if they ever get to Fort Wayne. It is with the greatest of pleasures, I assure you, that I have informed her time after time the film is currently here or I see it will be here next week or yes, I really did enjoy it. You see, we have the Cinema Center.

A long-time member of Cinema Center, I have availed myself of the great pleasure of seeing films the "big houses" won't bother with. Now I even have a favorite seat: because I use a walker, I have found a comfortable spot where my walker can sit in an empty space next to me, and I don't have the panicky feeling of what would I do in an emergency. The walker is right there! And the theatre is small enough that sitting back there poses no visual or audio problem.

Working with management is also a gratifying experience. At times we have worked cooperatively to bring in films for special events and permitting discussion time at the films' conclusions.They have been successful undertakings. What more can I ask?

So if the Cinema Center has a problem and needs new equipment, you will find me being a cheerleader. This isn't asking for plush-lined seats or velvet-swathed walls. It is asking for equipment that is the result of tremendous technological advancements. We upgrade computers and get new iPads, and now we need up-to-date equipment for seeing films at Cinema Center. Where's the problem?

Please contribute. I may even ask Cousin Ann to help...

Help Cinema Center go digital by donating to the Digital Projector Fund today.

Betty E. Stein, a Fort Wayne native, is a columnist for the News-Sentinel, a retired educator (kind of retired), a movie maven and the mother of movie mavens.

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