True, we are fortunate to have the one 'n' only place in this region where you can see an impressive variety of independent, foreign and documentary films you will not find on any other area screen. (Who Killed the Electric Car? is one of my favorites.) Also true, it can all go away.
Imagine that one new independent film you heard all the buzz about can't be shown. And none of the big cinemas have any interest. In fact, many film distributors are already stating that 35mm film is quickly going away. And horror of horrors, if the screen goes dark, you and I lose fresh popped corn with real butter.
All calories aside, the bottom line is no digital Cinema Center.
It seems so cold, but that is the dilemma we find ourselves in and why this is our chance to come to the rescue.
Think about your interest in film and our Cinema Center. Help me ensure its contribution to Fort Wayne and the region will be stronger than ever. Do it now!
Help Cinema Center go digital by donating to the Digital Projector Fund today.
Bruce Lehman is a longtime supporter of Cinema Center and should not eat too much buttered popcorn.
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